Sunday, September 23, 2007

People who have had a strong influence on my life.

My mom: Because she is a dentist and is a women who in the past work for her sisters and brothers and help her parents to pay all things!. I love Her.

My dad:Because he is an architect he like my mom work since when he was a kid to help his parents.He is my heroe.

My oldest brother:Because he is a person who is like my dad when my dad is busy or not in my house, he is almost an architect, just a few days to get his degree. I'm Proud of him.

My youngest brother:Because he inspire me peace and he is the rebel and so funny he help me a lot and now he is studing to be a graphic designer.I love him!.

My grandparents: Because they are the most beautiful couple that i ever meet in the world. My grandfather he is a strong person and example of perseverance and constance to have what they have.I love them.

My grandmother by my mom side:She was a strong person and a seamstress she was doing a hard work to have some money and give to her children. The best example to follow.

1 comment:

John said...

This is a nice portrait of a very strong family. You have many good role models for you to emulate and get guidance from. You must have a very warm home.